Kerena Saltzman, LCSW is a presenter, trainer, and Gestalt therapist. She designs and facilitates group experiences that create authenticity, vitality, and deeper connection for conferences, communities, and teams.
The quality of our relationships increases engagement, creates dynamic collaboration, and allows teams to function at high levels of performance. Kerena teaches relational skills by designing experiential activities that create empathy, encourage taking another's perspective, and support participants in discovering their hidden relational patterns.
At the foundation of her work is the belief that our relationships reveal where we are being asked to grow, develop, and evolve. When we develop relational skills relationships are more dynamic, conflict becomes easier, and energy is freed up to be creative and impact the world. Kerena has presented at Wisdom 2.0 Business Conferences in New York and San Francisco, Emerging Women, The University California Santa Cruz, JFK University, and is a teacher at Esalen Institute.
She also founded 20s Creating Connection, an organization that provides in person and virtual counseling to twenty-somethings in overwhelming life transitions.
Kerena lives in Santa Cruz, Ca. and some of her best teachers in this work are her lively thirteen year old daughter, husband, and extended community where she is called to practice this work daily.
Phone: 831-566-3495
Kerena Saltzman